Roger Gracie is one of the best BJJ players of all time, Coach Plank talks to him as tells us how his determination and acceptance of loss gave him the tools to become a World Champion multiple times. His story about not being the best athlete and struggling for so long but knowing it was […]
Kaleb talks with Bruno about his start in Brazilian jiu jitsu, training in Rio and moving to the United States
Kaleb talks with Libo about his start in Brazil going from banker to brazilian jiu jitsu athlete and his transition into mma.
Kaleb talks with Jack about his start in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in California and training with the Gracies’s
Kaleb talks with Grand Master Danny Dring about his martial arts backgrounds, specifically Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Dring tells his stories of training in the early 90’s and making his way to Brazil. Plus many other stories of fun travel.